Monday 1 April 2024

Ambulance with a seat for a prayer

You are caught in this nauseating traffic, the reels on you Instagram feed are the only things moving. The engines go quiet and ennui takes over. Some listlessly stare out the window, most fiddle with their phones. And suddenly the wails of an ambulance grows louder behind you. 

The sights and sounds of these emergency vehicles always tie my stomach up in knots. Who is in there? How much time does s/he have? Will the person make it? Is it the last few minutes of that Golden Hour for someone who might have suffered a near-death heart attack? Is it some accident victim in urgent need of blood? Or is it just an empty vehicle racing against time to reach someone clutching to that last straw of hope?

Questions which will never know an answer pound my head. I get fidgety, shuffle my legs, turn back to look through the windshield glass. All I can see is the anguished red siren amid a sea of searing car roofs. This time I look ahead. My eyes fixed on the traffic light.  Three, two, one...and the light goes green. I release a quarter of a breath and then some more. And in seconds the ambulance rushes past me. I settle down, let out a full breath this time and say a prayer, hoping for it to hitch a ride and help whoever is in despair.

Amorphous wishes they are but every time I let one out, I trust them to travel far. I don't remember when this habit grew on me, but through it I have come to believe there is always something I can give. Next time you think you have nothing to share, give out a little prayer. Grace will find its path and land as a beautiful fleecy feather somewhere. 


  1. Hi Arpita - just popping over to say hi and that I enjoyed your post. I'm a great believer that prayer can make a difference wherever and whenever we share it - and grace is beautiful to give and to receive.
    Wishing you well with the AtoZ Challenge - it's a big undertaking!

    1. Hi Leanne. Thank you for dropping by. Day 1 of the challenge done. Now for the remaining 25. Would love for you to read and share your thoughts whenever you find time.

  2. Hi Arpita - thanks for commenting on my blog - amorphous wishes, yes I so agree with you when the ambulance announces itself - I give thanks for them though. Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. Good to connect here.

  3. Hi Arpita - A race well begun is half done! Good start to the A2Z Challenge. Yes, a prayer can make a lot of difference.

    1. Hi Pradeep sir - Literally jumped into it headlong. Now to come up with one every day. It's an exciting challenge to take up though. Thank you.

  4. This was so relatable! Questions race my mind too every time I encounter an ambulance in traffic. Sending a prayer sounds like a great thought.

    1. Hi Suchita - Glad to know you found it relatable. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thought. Glad to connect.

  5. Great start to the A-Z. My mother was a nurse, I worked as a clerk in hospitals and a doctor's office, my current husband was a paramedic - lots of thoughts cross my mind when I see/hear an ambulance.

  6. Hi Donna - welcome to my blog and thank you for sharing your thoughts. With that much connection to all things medical I can imagine the post might have touched a few chords. It's my first time with the A-Z. Glad to meet you here.

  7. I had an ambulance ride this past August, and it wasn't fun!
    I get upset when vehicles don't get out of the way of an ambulance fast enough.
    Nice to meet you.

    1. Hi Debby - Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Totally agree with you. It's very upsetting to see an ambulance not finding way. I once travelled with a dear one in an ambulance and in those moments realised the value of every ticking second. Hope you are keeping well. Nice to connect over here.

  8. an ambulance caught in a traffic is nightmare, surely for those who are in it and even for those who are blocking its passage.

  9. Great piece, I immediately remembered the last time an ambulance rushed by me.

    Ronel visiting for A: My Languishing TBR: A
    Abominable Wraiths

  10. Hi Ronel - Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
